Bulk Title Search Capabilities
Working on a large project or development effecting multiple land parcels? The Dye & Durham Terrain Bulk Title Search Solution allows you to order multiple titles directly from the map in a matter of seconds, eliminating the need to select each title individually.
Easily discover multiple property ownership details at once
The Dye & Durham Terrain online platform allows users to easily upload a .CSV file of lot/plan details or select multiple properties from the map and instantly validate the parcel information with the Land Registries database. Hundreds of titles can be ordered with one click and the searches are delivered in a zip file in a matter of seconds. Title information is also provided in an excel file saving significant time in managing the data you require.
Terrain has become APA’s go-to provider used to maintain the accuracy of APA’s Stakeholder database for the eastern States. The regular Dye & Durham Alerts, which advise of changes to property ownership, have become invaluable in ensuring the database is updated within a short time frame. This allows APA to more effectively communicate with the landowners affected by APA high pressure transmission assets. Terrain Support is always responsive, friendly and supportive in working towards a positive outcome for all.
Bette AndrewsAPA Group
Dye & Durham Terrain Benefits
- National Property Information
- Bulk Title Ordering Functionality
- Smart Map-based Searching
- Property Monitoring Solution
- Instant Results
- Live Notifications
- No Sign-up Fees
- No Lock-in Contract